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It’s no secret that change can be hard.  

It can be terrifying. 

Doesn’t matter if it’s a new haircut, a new person or a new business strategy.  

It’s hard to know what the future holds when you’re used to doing things a certain way. And because change can require time or money or effort or risk, it’s easy to think that sticking with what we know is the safer option.  

But here’s the thing that our primordial lizard brains refuse to believe- change usually takes a lot less time and effort than we thought.   

And we know that the long-term cost of resisting change can be a real doozy. 

Why do we do this to ourselves over and over again, especially when after the change happens, 9 times out of 10, we think to ourselves “Actually, that wasn’t so bad”? WHY? 

We know the downsides to resisting change in business. We risk falling behind competitors. In fact, we’ve seen countless examples of businesses (both large and small) fold because of this very thing (Blockbuster and Kodak, anyone?)  

Take the software-as-a-service (SaaS) world. You’re in a field where innovation is everything. you pour all our money and resources into making cutting-edge products.  

So why be so resistant to innovating your own operations?

SaaS customers care about how your products run. But they also care about how you run. And if you don’t run well, they will run … a million miles away.  

But all this can change with the proverbial flick of a switch.  

And that switch is automation. And this is where change can make a huge difference.  

But how do you know it’s time to change? Here are five signs: 

  1. Your team is constantly swamped with manual, repetitive tasks. Ain’t nobody got time for that! Automating can free up time for more strategic work and increase productivity.
  2. Your process is prone to errors and inconsistencies. Manual processes are, unfortunately, prone to human error. Automation can help improve accuracy and reduce the risk of errors.
  3. You’re not meeting your growth goals. If you’re not hitting your targets, it’s time to re-evaluate your processes. Automating can help identify inefficiencies and help you meet your goals faster.
  4. You’re relying on spreadsheets. Don’t get us wrong – spreadsheets are great. But they’re not scalable. As your business grows, it’s important to have a system that can handle increased volume.
  5. Your customers are unhappy with your service. If your customers are dissatisfied, it’s time to look at your processes. Automating can help you deliver a better customer experience, and most importantly, reduce churn. 

The thing is that if a friend come to us with these problems, and there was an obvious solution, we’d tell them to go for it, right? 

The ironic thing is – and we’ve seen this quite a few times – that automation is so much less disruptive than people will think it will be.  

The number of times we’ve installed our LISA software, or given a brand a free trial and shown them how it works, they all say something along the lines of “This is it? This is all we have to do to make it work?” 

It’s much, much easier than they feared.  

So, if you’re hesitant about embracing change, just remember – the struggle is real, but the payoff is worth it.  

If you’re not sure, why not get in touch with us to find out how one change can completely revolutionise how you do business for good? 

You’ll be so glad you did.  

Take a chance. You won’t regret it.  

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